Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why Sugar is toxic to the body

I thought that I would start posting a few articles on sugar... here is a good one to star with:


In 1957, Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction."

 The dictionary gives an even broader definition for "poison": "to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert".

Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. 

"What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant... Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite' such as pyruvic acid... Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease."

There is more to this article!  Click on this link to read the rest:


More interesting articles to come...


Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh No, Mayo!

Hi, Sweet friends!

Reading the labels does make the trip to the grocery store take a little longer, but maybe it's better for us than reading the magazines at the check out. Although, unlike the breaking news in senstational headlines, noteworthy additions to our food are not in big letters across the front of the label, but hidden where we may not catch them.

We found out this week that mayonaise contains sugar. Maybe you all knew this, but I sure didn't. We were going to make our own tartar sauce (because the one from the store contains corn syrup) when we discovered that the mayonaise we were about to use contains sugar, too.

It might be going too far to worry about every single ingredient in every food we eat, but for a month without sugar, I really wanted to avoid all of those added sweeteners. And, for the months after this, if I am going to have sugar, I would really rather have it in cookies or ice cream :)

Hope you are all doing well,

Friday, January 9, 2009

happy hour


Happy Friday!

Some of us find that it's easier to avoid sugar pit falls at home, where we can control what comes into the house. For others, it is easier during the week, when we are busy at work. Sometimes, though, people at work bring in some kind of treat to "help the day go by" a little faster. This almost always has sugar in it. Today at the office, it had both sugar and alcohol. That might help the day really fly by!

It would have been interesting to have a taste, but it feels like the tired, hungry, detoxing period that seems to start off a month without sugar is going away and being replaced by that nice even energy level a no-sugar diet can bring, so I don't want to mess with that.

I hope had a great week without sugar and are ready for more!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Return of Carpet Tongue

It has returned.  Carpet tongue.

I woke up this morning to to find a medium-thick coating on my tongue.  Accompanying this texture was the yucky taste.  Making my way to the bathroom mirror and sticking my tongue out at myself I viewed it - my own homemade shag rug.

My body starts to detox after a few days without sugar.  The tongue is one of the avenues of releasing junk from the intestinal tract.   For most people, there is a whitish coating on the tongue.  

If you happen to be one of those "lucky" people that wakes up one morn with a coated tongue consider this as a positive sign to keep up the good work.  

The first thing to do is to rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth.  You may also gently clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.  Using mouthwash will kill the bacteria, that coating is teaming with bacteria.

Eventually the coated tongue phenomenon will decrease and go away.  When that happens you have done a pretty good job of removing some deeper toxins from within.  

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3!


We hope everyone had a great start to their new year!  It's nearly the end of day 3 - what we found to be one of the hardest days in the first month without sugar - so, if you had a rough day, you will find it gets easier after this.  

For those of you starting with us after a long weekend of New Year's celebration, we are looking forward to having you join us on Monday.  It's a good time for a fresh start, and it will be a great, healthy start without all the sugar.

Just like the last month without sugar, everyone has their own plan to knock the sugar out of their diet, so you can let us know what you are doing.  We are skipping all the "unnatural" things like anything made with sugar or containing processed sugars or corn syrup (we have been checking labels - this stuff is in a lot of places you would not expect it).  We are also generally staying away from things like fruit juices, which have a high, although natural, sugar content.

Hope the first days are not too difficult - we'll keep posting, and please keep us posted, too.

M & T 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year, goodbye sugar!

Happy New Year to all!  Michelle and I have just risen and we are getting ready to eat breakfast.  

What to have this morning?...   Well, I like to expand my diet in the month without sugar, that is I eat more things and better things instead of just thinking about cutting out the sugary items.  I like to have steak and eggs in the morning instead of cereal.  Another staple is oatmeal with walnuts or almonds and/or a little cinnamon on top.  Michelle will bake lots of homemade bread this month ( using just a touch of molasses instead of sugar) and we'll have toast with cream cheese on it.  I'll fry up bacon more often and have black tea with real cream or a glass of whole milk!

In the month without sugar eat better than ever.  Eat more sirloin steak, eat more salmon, use real cream in your tea and coffee.  Have cheese and crackers more often.  Drink more wine.  Enjoy!

Talk to you all some more later today or tomorrow,


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Old and New

Hello all,

We ended our first month without sugar very successfully.  

First, our apologies in slacking on the posts at the end of our month without sugar in Sept - October.  Second, we are going to try again with both the month without sugar and maintaining our blog through to the end this time!

After the holidays we felt it was a good time for a refresher month without sugar.  It seemed that quite a few of our friends and family wanted to do it again, so we thought "why not?"  Also, there were a few requests from from friends and family that weren't quite prepared to give this a go in September but are up for the challenge and the benefits now.  There have been some inspirational stories that we will share with you in the coming days.  

Month without sugar for us starts on New Year's Day!  Join us.

Michelle & Tom

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Good morning, sweet friends!

Wow - the end of the month is almost here!! Although there are some of us who started early, and some of us who jumped in later on, we are all closing in on the end of the month without sugar.

In the next day or so, Tom and I will be blogging about what we are planning in the next step. Just talking with other MWS participants, it doesn't look like anyone is itching to embrace that lost sugar monkey by jumping into a bowlful of pudding or adding heaping plates of donuts and piles of frosting back into their diets.

I'm not ready to give up this great feeling of having a nice, even energy all day, instead of some of the highs and lows that even a moderate amount of sugar seems to produce, so my plan will not include a full force sugar festival at the end of the month....

chat with you later,


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Halfway mark

Good things have happened.  We are halfway there!  The month without sugar is all downhill from here - we are just going to coast on home.

Bad things have happened, too.  We have not been posting every day.  So sorry to have let a few days lapse this week.  It is not for lack of energy though. Perhaps it is from having so much more get-up-and-go that we haven't been sitting around the house slumped over the computer.  Michelle and Tom have been very busy and productive this week!

The first three days without sugar are always the most difficult.  Tom has referred to this time period as the "three day rampage".  It takes a commitment backed by a strong will to try eliminating sugar from the diet to survive the first three days.  

For most people, the first week or so is another important timeframe to surpass. There are some folk that start to come unglued in their resolve during this time.  It can happen so easily.  We even had a few moments where the desire for something as innocent as an apple pie could have derailed the excellent effort and progress that we had already achieved.  Tom almost had some wedding cake at a gig he was playing - in this case, not out of desire but because he wasn't mindful of his no sugar month.  He was on auto-pilot and that's just the type of thing that people would eat in that setting! 

The feedback from some of the sugarless people we know is that they have also been on "cruise control" of late.  It seems that after the getting over a few of the initial humps, people have been telling us that it has become easy to live the sugarless life. So, after the first 3 days, then the first week, and now after passing the halfway mark - congratulations to us all!

Friday, September 26, 2008

falling off the wagon...

No, it wasn't a case of choking down some twinkies, but it turns out there have been a couple of transgressions, due to an inexcusable failure to read the label. 

We had some nice salty pretzels that slyly contained corn syrup!   Who would have thought? We also found it listed on the wrapper of our english muffins.  (We tried to convince ourselves that the corn syrup actually was an ingredient in the wrapper, not the muffin.)   So, now we are even more avid readers of food labels.  It is cutting down on all those classic works of literature we have been meaning to read...

Tom had one major - and a couple of minor - sugar incidents.   Twice this week, he had hamburgers with catsup on them.  He knew that the catsup would have corn syrup, but he kept eating anyways.  It was very minor, but he could not bear to not blog it.  The major incident was an ambush at a restaurant.  He ordered what would seem to be a safe lunch, an open-faced turkey sandwich smothered with gravy.  But, he told me that the gravy was sweet instead of savory, prompting him to think it was laced with sugar...or corn syrup...

That stuff is everywhere!  Look out, sweet friends!

M & T

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ok Am I The Only One That Thinks This

Tom I think your last post should have actually been your FIRST post to start the Month Without Sugar. I know I should use the comment section, but I thought this was a major faux pas. I also consider Beer kind of like a Breakfast drink, it has oats, hops, Barley all things good for you, and it gives you that nice morning glow. Cheers  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beer, wine and spirits

Beer, wine and spirits.  These three things go together.  I like beer and wine and they both seem to lift my spirits.  

There seems to be some misunderstandings concerning alcoholic beverages and the no sugar diet.  Most people assume that it is a "no-no" to have a drink.  The assumption is that alcoholic drinks have sugar in them.  This is not totally true.  The vast majority of sugar is converted to alcohol in the fermentation process.  There are be some residual sugars left in beer and dry wines, this is in the range of .02 to 1%.  (Sweet table wines can have up to 15% sugar content and the most extreme of the dessert wines have nearly 30%).  Distilled liquor has no or virtually no sugar content.

There are many myths concerning alcohol.  The number one myth is that alcohol is converted back into sugar by the body once consumed.  Not true. Check out this great link to read more....

For me, I have been imbibing as normal during my no sugar month.  Normal for me is one or two drinks on several days of the week.  Most often this occurs at mealtime.  It is very rare for me to have more than two, after that I tend to feel a little too "happy".  This consumption level falls into what is considered moderate and healthy.  (Fortunately this is so, otherways I would have to change my lifestyle or fight with the medical community to change their research!)

No sugar month can be a challenge when going without some of our most favorite foods.  Who would want to make it more difficult than needs be?  You can have your "guilty pleasures" and drink them too!

This is the homepage of the very interesting and informative alcohol webpage I cited above:


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let's talk about Honey!

Let's talk about honey.  

Not just because our beekeeping buddies are worried that the work of their little winged friends is going to waste, but because honey is one of the very best sweeteners.

Although Tom and I are trying to avoid it this month, to stop the sweetness craving in general, if we do need something sweet we plan to have honey.  In addition to having a number of health benefits, it seems that no one ever really "over does it" with honey (except maybe bears).  Honey is really in a class by itself - it doesn't get abused (or abuse us) the way other sweeteners do.  

After this month without sugar, Tom and I are planning to start using our local honey to fight off allergies (you may or may not know that the use of honey from within a few miles of your home is a great remedy for all those allergies during hay fever season).   

If the month without sugar is a little too much during one of these thirty days, a little spot of honey might be just what is needed to get through a tough patch... There are some people who might do a month without sugar without giving up the honey, by eliminating white sugar, corn syrup, and those fiendish artificial sweeteners.  

Honey... sweet!

M & T 


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday morning breakfast - a one week celebratory feast

Quick posting here this morn, because we missed on a post yesterday... Michelle and I drove over to Utica, NY to see Rusted Root at the Saranac (Utica Club) Brewery.  

We woke up this morning hungry for a nice breakfast, you know, like you do on a weekend...  We decided on pancakes.  A couple of things came to mind immediately such as what to put on the pancakes and the sugar content in the pancake mix.  

We decided to whip up our own pancake batter from a recipe in Michelle's cookbook.  And we also whipped up (literally) some cream to put on the pancakes.  NO sugar in either of the recipes.  And, of course, no artificial sweeteners were used!

The pancakes were amazing!  I liked them better than regular old Aunt Jemina-soaked cakes.  The whipped cream on top of our pancakes was deliciously and naturally "sweet".  The funny thing about full-fat homemade whipped cream is that it seems to make everything better.

*** this weekend Michelle and I will dig our heels in a little and write about some interesting topics that we have been asked about... 'til then,


Thursday, September 18, 2008

144 hours down ~ 576 to go!

144 hours down ~ 576 to go.  Michelle's father told us that he is counting the hours of his month without sugar.  Most people would have the impression that he is really looking forward to the end of this month...  Actually, his accounting background is the reason why he is tracking the time.

Tom's mother has spoken about her timeframe on the no sugar diet as well.  She said that she may never go back to eating sugar again.  (Except for birthday and wedding cakes.)  She is have great results with the taming of her GERD and also some early indications that her arthritis is doing better.

So, we have people looking forward to the end of the month already and someone that is looking forward to a potentially new lifestyle and modification to their diet. 

M & T


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Burst of Energy!

Wow!  For some reason, today I got a burst of energy.  

It was like the sugar fog lifted, and it was a clear sky and smooth sailing through the day.  I didn't miss the sugar, and even felt like this month without sugar might be a little easier as the days goes on.   I hope this keeps up!

After a day of feeling super weak and feeble, Tom has rebounded as well.  Who needs sugar?  Not the Month Without Sugar crew!   :)



We have become aware that many of the people joining us in this holy month of sugar renunciation are new to the blogoshpere.  One of the great features of the blog is the ability to write comments in response to posts!  Right under each posting is line that notes the author of the post, the time and the number of comments made regarding the post.

To view comments or leave your own,  just click on the word "comments".  Michelle and Tom will always respond to any questions in your posts through the comments section.  All of you readers out there are encouraged to comment on all the postings, as well...  OR, just click on the "comments" to read what others may have to say.


Carpet tongue

It hasn't happened to me yet, but someone I know, someone very close to me, is experiencing what I call "carpet tongue".  Carpet tongue is the whitish covering of the tongue that occurs from the discharge of toxins in the body.  I'm quite sure that you have all experienced it while battling a flu/fever or perhaps on a Sunday morning after have far too many drinks the night before.

When sugar is removed from the diet the body goes into cleaning mode.  For those of you finding a furry feeling in the mouth there are a few things that can be done.  A good salt water gargle will scour and disinfect that mouth.   A mouthwash rinse does a fair job, though most are not as aggressive in removing the "carpet".  Most helpful for me is using a tongue cleaner.  This little tool goes to town!  If you have never used one before, you would be amazed at how much stuff these things can scrape off of your tongue.  

Here is a link to the best tongue cleaner I have found, which can be bought at Wal-mart:  http://snoreclipse.net/thetonguecleanerfrompurelineoralcare.aspx


Monday, September 15, 2008

Need Advice

Hi all I have made it one day, and it has been a bit tricky since I am helping my Bride recover from knee surgery. My bride is in great shape and refuses to give up sugar,and requests ice cream as a reward for surgery( which I just served without licking the spoon..before or after scooping the ice cream) 
I have been searching for yogurt; is there a yogurt without sugar? Please help I likes my yogurt. 

Hi all of you!

Hi all of you!
I've done the full 3 days with no sugar! But I did decide to have some fruit - just not the usual amount I consume. I was really going to forego it all until Tom brought me my favorite Niagara and Concord grapes and then - I just couldn't see the sense of autumn without grapes and apples. For me - I have to stay away from really salty things because these make me crave sugar. And the best part - I may have found the answer to night time GERD - none since I started this new lifestye. If this continues, I may have to live this way the rest of my life - and it would be worth it. I am hoping I can go back to a little honey - which I love too - especially in my green tea!

Who is going a month without sugar?

Hi sugar fighters!  

Just though we should let you all know a little bit about who is going without sugar this month - There are about thirty of us right now, ranging from about 14 to 67 (reports seem to indicate that the youngest and the eldest of us actually happen to be having the easiest time of it so far - what are their tricks?)   

We are from Syracuse, NYC, Wisconsin, Atlanta GA, Ithaca, Buffalo and beyond...

We are giving up sugar for different reasons - to help curb aches and pains, to learn live without dessert, to balance out blood sugar, to lose a little weight, and to get the sugar monkey off our backs!

For everyone who made it through the weekend, congratulations!  We also gain some fresh faces today, joining us after a weekend of birthday cake or last ditch summer picnics, and we may have some join us as the month goes on...

What a great group!  

M & T


okay.  i am going to be straight up. there is no way i could go a month without sweetness if i remained in society.  if i was in the woods, or on an island, maybe.  but i am going to try it for a day.  one day and see what happens.  i am addicted to fruit so i will need to see if portland has some kind of methadone clinic that will give me a sugar substitute. onward!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am Joining Your Ranks 9/15

I am joining on the 15 of September, I have had Birthday cake (not mine) and bagels for my last day I am not yet without sugar, but I am still sickened by Michele skipping and frolicking, whats up with that? I will start my day with shredded wheat and skim milk, not fruit which is usually the high light of the shredded wheat bowl. Glad to hear and see the daily postings. 

Hey, all you people!

Hey, all you people out there ~ our friends, our "peeps".  We have been in contact with quite a few no-sugar compatriots out there and there is a great range of experiences that we have been hearing about.  Some have broken out of the gates and are charging forth with strength and evangelical fervor.  Others are suffering from mental, emotional and physical problems.

Here at "A Month Without Sugar" HQ, we have been faring well.  Michelle is a rock.  Tom, the experienced veteran, is less than a rock but committed.  Michelle is skipping and dancing through the day.  Tom wanted to have a strawberry shortcake sundae at the clambake this afternoon.  So far, no sugar transgressions have been witnessed or reported.

One of Michelle's siblings (who is along for the ride with her hubbie) asked if M would divulge her weak moments in the war on sugar.  Of course! ...Michelle has pledged to share all the nitty-gritty.  Tom predicts that there will be little dirt reported from Michelle's camp.  However, Tom does show promise in providing juicy tales to you, our compatriots in this battle.

M& T

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm Hungry

I woke up hungry this morning.  I wanted to have some blueberry scones or something...  Ended up having a nice breakfast with eggs as the anchor.  But, for some reason, I was hungry again in about 90 minutes.

I had a nice lunch and dinner but really couldn't shake the hunger monster...  I remembered that the no sugar diet can be difficult in different ways for different people.   My challenge is feeling satisfied or full without a little something sweet to top off the meal.


Hello Sweet Friends

I hope you all sailed through the first day - only 29 more to go!  

We went to the grocery store today, and that place was FULL of sugar!  There were walls of it! Maybe it was always there, or perhaps some sinister force stocked the place full of the stuff last night.  Some of it was sneaky... hidden in items - tricky corn syrup additions, or sugar in foods I would never think had it, but anyway, it was everywhere!  We were glad to get out of there with our veggies, steak, and milk... 

Well, tomorrow is another day of no sugar - I wonder if it will get easier or harder as we go along....

we'll see...


A Month Without WHAT?!

So, Sharon forwarded your email to me, and even (sort of) signed me up to join you in your month without sugar.

I read your blog, and found it interesting, but my main, most important question remained unanswered...SURELY YOU CAN'T MEAN A MONTH WITHOUT HONEY!!!

Obviously, a month without honey is like a month - nay, a year - a lifetime, even - without enjoyment in one's life!

So please, please dear people, I beseech you - tell me you will make life worth living by enjoying copious quantities of fresh, delicious, healthful honey.

I know I certainly will!

...Ron :-)

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Last Ice Cream

Michelle and I had our dinner tonight topped off with ice cream.  Mmmmm.  Soon it's going to be difficult to remember what ice cream tastes like...  In a few weeks, I will have to reacquaint myself with my dear friend.

So, tomorrow we two shall embark on our 30 days and nights of no sugar.  I'll bet that when Noah was floating around in his ark for 40 days that he went through a sugarless stint as well.  Thank God that Michelle and I aren't shooting for Biblical proportions.  One month should be just dandy to detox and reinvigorate the bod.

Starting tomorrow, Michelle and/or I will make a post to this blog every day!  We will be sharing the ups and downs of what is surely to be a sweet ride!  (pun intended)

For those of you joining us in some sort of sugar-restricted diet, whether it start tomorrow or the next day or the next, congratulations to you!  Those of you giving up sugar for a few days or a week, good on you as well!  


THank You Thank you

I will be joining all on the 15 of September, I will try for a few days with out fruit, but I think I will need fruit eventually, due to other concerns of the body. I can't wait to start, and since I am not working; I may do the Full Monty while not eating sugar, and yes I mean the FULL MONTY.
Now thats an image for you all... Maybe for inspiration I should say that while eating sugar I will be doing the Full Monty, now that will keep most of you off sugar for at least a month. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

There is something "fruity" going on

As we draw closer to this weekend and the loss of all sugar from our lives, many people reading this blog are going bananas over a minor point in Michelle's and Tom's plan.  They are going nuts over this... some are even going crackers...!  There is a slight hysteria about M & T's absence of fruit.   

We happen to be avoiding fruits and juices in our sugarless month.  There is a good reason for this. Last year, Tom was told by his "witch doctor" that the aches and pains in his joints were the onset of arthritis.  Hard to believe, but that is what this practitioner of the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda told him.  He also told Tom that the cure for him was to eliminate all sugars and fruits from his diet for three months.  OUCH.

The miracle of miracles happened and Tom had 90% reduction in his pain within 10-12 days.  Simply amazing.  He went on to experience a full cure.

This Fall, Tom is making a pre-emptive strike against possible aches and pains in the upcoming snowy season so, for him, he wants to cut out fruit.  And, Michelle is sporting enough to do it too - Full Monty style!  (this means Michelle is also cutting out all sugars/fruits - NOT that she is going sugarless without clothes...)

So, a month without sugar can mean a month without fruits and juices... But for most folks this is not necessary.  Giving up the white stuff and corn syrup is a huge leap for anyone.  The benefits of cutting these two items out of one's diet are immense.  Doing so for a few days is proof of the pudding.  Sugar and syrup-free for a month is really an accomplishment that you will only be able to feel for yourself!  

Michelle has been saying that it is strangely amazing and wonderful that her friends are now fighting for their fruits!  Most people we know usually plea bargain for their chocolate chip cookies instead of their morning OJ.  What a great change!

When you want a little natural sweetness, whether it be once in awhile or every day, have yourself  some of nature's candy... fruit.  

M & T

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Lone wolf

I am on my own in my house. I will try it alone,
Breakfast: organic cold cereals without sugar, eggs, whole grain toast, oatmeal and apples I also need fiber)
Lunch will be some protein with green vegetables, salads, lemon and olive oil dressing.
Dinner protein vegetables.
I think what is going to be hard is the lack of fruit, i normally eat 3-5 servings of fruit.
Of course I will not drink alcohol or wine or beer, unless it is for medical purposes( tom gave me the ok)
I guess there is no dessert.
good luck all, i am going to forward to my brother
maybe he will join. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I feel guilty

Although I have not joined into the "sugar free" lifestyle, as I sit here reading these blogs I am drinking lemonade & eating Junior Mints (Tom, I know you will enjoy that due to Seinfeld) I feel guilty eating them. haha. Definitley something I do not consider normally. I commend you all on this venture & maybe possibly I will join in for a few days, obviously not this week though. XoXo goodluck!

What "sugar" means to the Shapiros

smshapiro said...

OK, so here I sit drinking my LAST frappacino! Last night, I enjoyed my last bit of ice cream as I sat reading with mixed emotions the contract Kelly and I have put together for our month of zero sugar....so it is with excitement and grief, that I present to you what "sugar" means to Kelly and I....

1) Yes, chocolate is a sugar!
2) While we will not read all ingredient labels like crazed lunatics, we will stop consuming all foods we know to contain sugar....candy, soda, really yummy "granola" bars, etc, etc...
Other food items that are a bit more sneaky (like catsup) we will also say "NO!" to this month
3)Let's talk about fruits and veggies.....very much needed for a healthy diet, but can also be very HIGH in sugar....we will cut out high sugar fruits and veggies such as:
bananas, berries, sweet potatoes, carrots
we will keep greens, spinach, and apples (also a little high in sugar, but Kelly insists he needs the fiber (don't worry, I will not share the details of this with you..."
4)Orange Juice....a tough one for me. So we compromised....4 ounces in the AM until the carton is empty and then this will be no more as well....OJ is VERY HIGH in sugar
5)Bye bye wine (note to self, not: "buy...buy....buy...)
6) Carbs....it gets tricky here....all the ones we know are loaded with sugar (yummy white breads) are out, we will keep whole grain though
7 NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS....in general, very bad for you, but to each their own, no for us!
8)Lots of water!
9)Lots of protein!
10)Perimeter shopping in grocery store only...beware of middle aisles....the sugar devil lingers there! 
Good Luck to all, and remember to tell your co-workers and friends...they will keep you from cheating and perhaps join in! At the very least, they may cut you some slack if you are grumpy form sugar withdrawal on day 2 or 3!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Plan

So, ya want to give up sugar for awhile?  What the heck does that entail?

Here is our plan.  White sugar is out, of course.  Corn syrup is out also.  And, for us, fruits that are naturally high in sugar are out as well.  Simple plan.  Simple foods.  Not so simple to do for a month.  

Now how does one figure out what foods have processed (white) sugar or corn syrup in them?  While sitting around the kitchen table eating our curds and whey we will be occupying ourselves by reading more labels on the foods that we have around.  Did you realize that peanut butter has sugar or corn syrup in it?  Even more crazy, some packages of salt have sugar (listed as dextrose) in them!  

We will simply eat simply for the month...  Oatmeal and omelettes for breakfast.  Tuna fish sandwiches for lunch.  String beans, potatoes and steak for dinner!  Not bad at all.  If (or when) we fall "off the wagon" it will most likely be for a crunchy New York State apple or something similar.  

That's our plan.  What's yours?

M & T

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The End of Sugar - Sept. 13th

We took a look at the calendar and decided to begin our sugarless month on Saturday, Sept. 13th.  We have already discussed that we need to get some ice cream tomorrow so that we can eat it up before we give it up!  

In the next day or so we will post our plans for the month without sugar.  We hope to hear back from some of you out there with your plans of attack.  

Tom has successfully given up sugar many times before... his personal record is three months of sugar-free living.  Most frequently he has put himself on what he calls a "3 day rampage".  He feels that three days of no sugar is really achievable by nearly anyone and is good for just about everyone.

Michelle has left sugar behind on numerous and varied types of cleanses.  She has had no real problems giving up sugar for a week or so at a time.  She is looking forward to the new goal of one month without sugar.

M & T

Welcome friends!

Welcome to our blog!  Michelle and Tom were having a conversation about giving up sugar for awhile.  Tom jokingly said to Michelle "why don't we do it in September?"  Michelle proceeded to email her friends and recruit a gang to join in on the effort.  So... we will be supporting all y'all and be supported by all y'all by interacting through this blog.

Michelle and Tom will be making posts about our experiences throughout the month of sugar-free living!

M & T